• Fixed fuzzyhelp() not showing preview on RStudio Server (#23).
  • Remove covr and rmarkdown from suggests (#24).
  • Improved Shiny UI of fuzzyhelp() (#25)
    • resize with CSS instead of JS so that resize works properly on Chrome and Firefox
    • increase height of help viewer
    • theming TOC to be striped, be dense, and to highlight hovered-row
  • Improved performance of fuzzyhelp() (#26)
  • On fuzzyhelp(), help/vignette contents gain syntax highlights and links. It formerly used Rd2HTML() to generate HTML contents. Now the contents inherit from a help server with startDynamicHelp(), which means they are exactly same as the contents of help() or vignette().
  • On fuzzyhelp(), demo contents can be previewed.
  • On fuzzyhelp(background = FALSE), “Done” and “Cancel” buttons are removed because the feature of the “Done” requires the Shiny app run on the main thread.
  • Support fuzzyhelp to run Shiny App in background without blocking user terminal. The new behavior is enabled by default and can be disabled by passing FALSE to the background argument or to the fuzzyhelp.background option (#18, #20).
  • Fixed wrong behaviors of anchors in the HTML help in the UI of the fuzzyhelp function. A click on a anchor should not cause nesting of the UI when href of the anchor is an ID. Instead, the click should scroll the window to show the element with the corresponding ID (#17).
  • Added fuzzyhelp function which launches Shiny Gadget to search help topics fuzzily, and preview the result. Done button will also launch help function. There is also RStudio Addin named “Fuzzy Search on R Help”, which launches the fuzzyhelp function (#12, #13, #14, #15).
  • Fix notes from CRAN checks (fcad5274ee79db4b243810930eb7be95981cbe7f)
  • Corrected problems noticed by CRAN
    • avoid package ‘MASS’ in examples because it is not a build-in package for some platforms
    • internally import prettycode::default_style without using it to suppress a NOTE, “All declared Imports should be used.”
  • Update tests so to be independent from pandoc, and improve code coverage.
  • Add logo and CRAN badge, download badge, and favicon

Just internal changes and tests to be ready on CRAN.

  • Refactored to suppress notes
  • Add tests
  • Use Travis CI, AppVeyor, Codecov for test with CI and visualize code coverage.

felp is now a short of “functional help” to help things in addition to functions. It was formerly “function help

Major changes

  • felp() and ? returns structure of a value specified to the first argument if possible. If function is specified, the source of function is returned instead of the structure.
  • felp()
    • improves consistency with utils::help in terms of arguments
    • supports to display package documentation just like help(package = )
  • Pseudo-postfix operators
    • ?. supports arguments other than functions.
    • ?p is added to display document of a package.
  • Updates on documents with pkgdown site

Tagged, but not released.

Major changes

  • felp() has more consistent arguments to utils::help by changing a name of first argument to “topic” from “x”.
  • Pseudo-postfix operator ?. supports arguments other than functions.

Minor changes

  • felp() is simplified.
  • Officially support function?. form to print function and its help simultaneously.
    • This feature was already present in felp 0.1.1 without knowing it.
    • Before 0.1.3, . of function?. can be any like function?hoge. This behavior is changed because of conflicts with type?topic form of utils::`?`.
  • Use prettycode:::print.function()
  • Added S3 version of ?
    • A method ?.function provides print.function() and help() simultaneously.
    • A default method ?.default is equivalent to utils::?
  • Unexported print.function as it may conflict with auto-completions of RStudio.

Help wanted

R CMD check results gives a warning, but I have no idea to solve it.

❯ checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
  Undocumented arguments in documentation object '?'
    ‘e1’ ‘e2’

  Bad \usage lines found in documentation object '?':
    <unescaped bksl>method{?}{function}(e1, e2)
    <unescaped bksl>method{?}{default}(e1, e2)

  Functions with \usage entries need to have the appropriate \alias
  entries, and all their arguments documented.
  The \usage entries must correspond to syntactically valid R code.
  See chapter ‘Writing R documentation files’ in the ‘Writing R
  Extensions’ manual.

A first version